Thursday, February 16, 2012

Beautiful Dominican Republic

a few weeks ago, I asked my grandparents, who are in the dominican republic this winter, if they would write an article about it for this website.  What they do there really inspires me- it proves that pepole who care really can-and do- make a diffrence!
Here's what they sent:

Beautiful Dominican Republic
"When we were first introduced to the Dominican Republic (DR) about seven years ago, we came as participants in a group called Vacation With A Purpose for a two week time period. We were so impressed with the beauty of the country, but more so with the joy of the people in spite of their poverty. Since that first visit we have returned every year except one to spend time with our Dominican friends and try to make a difference in sharing what we have and what others send with us.

The needs are great here and there are many non government organizations that are focusing on helping with the obvious needs like housing, medical and educational, among others. There are those that are here to support local organizations in bringing about change so quality of life can improve. Dominicans do not have some of the basics provided like free medical services, social agencies who make sure they have an income, a roof that does not leak over their heads, bathrooms (not even an outhouse), at least a meal a day, clean drinking water, and so many other conveniences we take for granted in our country. We have helped an organization, Dominican Connection Int with establishing an elementary school in a community that did not have easy access to education and right now 130 students are being sponsored through Canadian donors.

We come for about three months every year and we connect with several Dominican church groups and follow their lead in what they recognize as needs.

Last year we were privileged to help a family with 3 children build a house way out in the country. Their circumstances were unique because they were being told they had to move out of their rented shack and they had not place to go, with no resources to find a better place. Together with other friends visiting us from Canada we decided it was within our means to help them and we could not ignore this. More friends from Canada donated money towards buying a small plot of land and towards building a very basic cinder block house with 2 bedrooms, with electricity. They constructed an outdoor kitchen where they can build a fire to cook on, especially now that they have a homemade clay stove. They have built an outhouse and have a small add-on room for a shower. Because they are now able to provide these basics for the family, they are excited to develop the small property and are raising fruits and vegetables for food and have a few chickens and a pig someone has given them. It is rewarding to make a difference for one family and they are generous in sharing what they have with others. The children seem happier and healthier and are able to better study in school. The mother is now learning to read.

This year we are helping local church leaders who are out of work right now to reach out to others to fix their homes. There are three families who do not own land but are squatters on public land, whose houses need fixing. One home has 5 people living in one room and at first had a dirt floor and a rusty leaky roof, one bed. Now, with others' help, they have a cement floor, a tin structure that is dry and they have two double beds. We hope this will help them to concentrate better on making a living and sending the children to school to learn a better way.

Being here we are able to be friends and be available when they run into tough situations. There are times when they need urgent medical care or someone they know is in a more difficult situation and they need help on their behalf. We are hopeful that as we recognize opportunities to help out they can have a better quality of life. Right now there are two young people studying in university, one to be a doctor and the other to be a teacher, because several couples are sponsoring them every month.

This year we were able to bring the gift of a brand new laptop computer to the principal of the country school so he can better communicate, with funds from our family and several friends.

There is much more to say about what we do, about why the poverty exists, but that would be another topic.

In the meanwhile, we know we have been so blessed with so much and the people have so little and less opportunity. We love our acquaintances here and love spending time with them."

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